Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Field Study Post Box 26/8/10

Edition for KART by Claudio Romeo, Italy
Set of cards for KART by Sam Piccasso, Australia
Stamps,card and joint add-to, Pete Spence, Australia
WIPE sheets by Uli Grohmann, Germany

Field Studies Land of Cut & Paste 26/8/10

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Field Study Post Box 22/8/10

Publications (Objects 1-5) from ZIMZALLA, UK 
Pieces for KART and WIPE, John M. Bennet, USA
ReSite work from Sztuka Fabryka, Belgium
Pieces for KART and WIPE, Magda Lagerwerf, NL
WIPEs from Henry Denander, Greece

From The Archive of Field Study- PIPS DADA

I thought it would be nice to show some pieces from the archive of Field Study so giving opportunity to air some views and share information.
PIPS Boxes assembling publication produced by Claudia Putz in Germany, 1990's
An outstanding project, the boxes got bigger and bigger, till the last two issues I took part in I needed a car to pick them up from the post office! 

Field Studies Land of Cut & Paste 22/8/10

Monday, August 16, 2010

Field Study Post Box 16/8/10

Post by Vittore Baroni- Italy, editions for KART and WIPE.
Edition for WIPE from Miche-Art-Universalis, Belgium
Edition for WIPE from Bretel Viviane, France
Edition for the 2010 Field Report by Patricia Collins,UK
Mail art documentation from Rouge, France