(real name Anna Alexandrovna Tarshis) - theorist and practical
worker of avant-garde art, successor of the late Russian futurist tradition.
Worked in fields of visual poetry, mail art and vacuum poetry. she passed away on the 10th March.
Above some of her works in the Field Study archive. She will be missed, R.I.P.
About Field Study: Field Study began in 1993 as a way of reclaiming the negative spaces between art and life. Activities stemming from Field Study are emanations and group emanations are manifestations. Field Study sees each work as a manifestation of a collective spirit. Everyone is welcome to become a member of Field Study, irrespective of their arts practice, and contribute to the Field Report. Field Study also produces the assembling publications WIPE and ReSite, and, in collaboration with Karingal, KART.
thanks for sharing these David!